Pointerest – On Wisconsin Spring

Aaron Krish – Commentary akris821@uwsp.edu

The changes I have seen in the weather during the last month still absolutely amaze me. Although I am a native Wisconsinite, the weather completely baffles me.

Through the month of April, I have trudged through ankle- deep snow to class, seen countless blizzards outside my window and watched as the baseball fields were plowed bare of snow, only to be covered again the next day.

Living in Wisconsin, we may have adapted to living in these conditions, but we also have our limits when it comes to the cold. Really, there is no way of knowing if we will wake up one morning and see everything covered in snow. Cross your fingers that this does not happen again.

On the other hand, we may wake up and see students walking to class in shorts. As a means to keep the nice weather around for the rest of the semester, it is time to get excited about everything Stevens Point offers when the weather is warm.

As I explored campus this week, I was inspired by Ken Fuson, a journalist who wrote an atypical piece on springtime and appeared in “The Best American Newspaper Writing. “He presented spring in a way that made it personal to the town that he was working in as a journalist and I wanted to do the same thing with some of my favorite places in Stevens Point:

Here’s how Wisconsin celebrates a warm, sunny day in the middle of spring: By wearing that extra layer or taking their coat if it starts to get cold or rain; by wearing khaki shorts when it’s sunny and 50-degrees outside; by longboarding to and from class and slack-lining between trees; by walking the trails through Schmeekle Nature Reserve and riding bikes around the Green Circle; by sitting at picnic tables in front of the dorms and laying out on blankets beneath the sun, dreaming of summer vacation; by hearing the battle cries of the Belegarth club across campus and the loud country music playing from dorm windows; by walking to Belt’s Soft Serve and buying the special of the week; by longing for the start of spring break and the end of studying for mid-terms; by preparing to walk at graduation wearing cap and gown starting a new chapter in life.

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