Welcome, Pointers!

When I began my freshman year here at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point I had no idea that I would be sitting here writing my first editorial as editor-in-chief of The Pointer just one year later. While my new role gives me the greatest thrill and makes me the most nervous I have ever been, I am so thankful to be involved in an organization so loyal to students.

I have the same nervousness in my stomach when leading staff meetings I did when I walked into my first class at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point last fall. I worried then that everyone knew more than me and that I would seem ignorant to my classmates. I still worry about those same things with my staff at The Pointer.

After my first week as editor-in-chief, and the release of our first issue, some of that angst has left me, as it will leave all of you after getting settled into a rhythm for the semester.

I have high hopes for our staff this year, and I am confident that they will fulfill our goals. The Pointer has been a national top ten award-winning publication for the past two years, and I know we will continue that tradition when competing at the Associated Collegiate Press Convention this spring.

My goal this year, and ultimately the goal of the staff at The Pointer, is to keep you all informed of what is happening on and off campus, as well as to be a place for discussion. As a completely student run organization, we understand the struggles and advantages that come with being a student. We are here for you, to provide you with truth and insight.

We need you all to pick up the paper and read our work. We need your opinions and concerns. And most importantly, we need you all to create the news. Get involved and be an active student of UWSP.

We at The Pointer have been hard at work all summer to prepare for this day, and it is finally here. Today is the day we are published.






Grace Ebert


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