The Quick and Dirty: Your Sexual Health Questions Answered!

The quick and dirty…
Your column for quick tips on reproductive health, sex and relationships.

As reproductive health peer educators on campus, you can imagine we have got some pretty interesting questions. And we love it! Check out our Facebook page, UWSP Reproductive Health Peer Educators, for the survey link so we can anonymously answer your questions in our next column!

Before we get to answering your questions, we asked our physicians at University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Health Services the top five frequently asked questions regarding reproductive health and sex on our campus.

Here’s what they came up with:

1) Can you get pregnant
on your period?

The answer: Heck yea! You can! That being said, make sure to be using some form of birth control while having sex at any time during your cycle. Sperm can just keep swimming for up to 5 days! Depending on your ovulation cycle, the egg and sperm could meet. And we all know what that means.

2) Is the withdrawal
method effective?

The answer: Nope, not really. With typical use, 27 out of every 100 women using the withdrawal method become pregnant. Although it seems to make sense if ejaculation doesn’t occur in the vagina you won’t get pregnant. BUT there’s this sneaky fluid called pre-ejaculate (we might know it as pre-cum). Pre-ejaculate can contain sperm that was left behind in the urethra. Many people are also not careful enough to sustain this method. All it takes is one strong swimmer!

3) So what exactly is a
dental dam?

The answer: A dental dam is a thin square of latex that is used to prevent Sexually Transmitted Infections during oral sex. They are most often used on the vulva or anus. They are a relatively new barrier method which means they are difficult to find!
Guess what? You can make your own! DIY! Simply take a condom and cut off the tip and then cut vertically along the condom with a scissors so you have a sheet. VOILA! Try to use unlubricated condoms or even flavored!

4) Is vaginal discharge normal?

The answer: YES! You are a self-cleaning oven ladies. It is natural for the vagina to have clear to white discharge at any time during your menstrual cycle. If you notice persistent odor, itching, or discomfort along with the discharge, it is best to have it checked out. Call UWSP Health Services at 715-346-4646.

5) What is the Family
Planning Waiver?

The answer: The Family Planning Waiver Program is a federal program administered by the State of Wisconsin. If you qualify (most college students do) you can receive family planning at no cost! Some of the services covered are routine reproductive health exams, STI testing, pregnancy testing, contraceptives (this includes the pill, condoms, Nexplanon) and more! Student Health Services can assist you in enrolling in this program, call for more information, or check the WI website at:


Courtney Gonnering

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