Humans of Point: Kaiyah Bible
Photo courtesy of Lily Dettle

Humans of Point: Kaiyah Bible

Kaiyah Bible is a freshman vocal performance major.

Spotted at: Library

What is the question you hate to answer?

“What are you mixed with? Or What are you? I’m a human.”

If you won a million dollars would you quit your job?

“Oh Gosh yeah. I get paid 7.25 here.”

What is your most unique family tradition?

“It’s probably on Easter. Instead of candy we put money in our eggs. It depends on how old you are for how much money you get.”

If you had $500 and had to donate it to one charity, where would you donate it?

“The suicide prevention.”

If you were an animal, which animal would you want to be?

“I always have a few different ones I want to be. Probably a turtle.”

If you could marry a celebrity who would it be?

“Diggy Simmons.”

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