Homecoming Week Featured Mind Reader Eric Dittelman

Written by: Delila Lyshik

Dittelman performing his opening act.
The Pointer Photo/Delila Lyshik

UWSP’s 2023 Homecoming Week featured many activities for students, including bubble soccer, a homecoming 5K, and a mind reader show performed by Eric Dittelman on October 21.

Dittelman’s show was hosted in the Dreyfus University Center’s Encore room. His act included reading the minds of people who drew pictures to find out what the drawing was.

Another one of his mind-reading acts was to ask audience participants to write down a Halloween costume, a Christmas gift, and their first Valentine’s Day crush. He read the minds of each participant and received a resounding uproar from the crowd with each correct guess.

The audience at the Encore applauded and laughed continuously at Dittelman’s show. The room had no seating left by the time the show started.

Eric Dittelman
The Pointer Photo/Delila Lyshik

Dittelman, who is from Westborough, Massachusetts, started out in magic at a young age and studied why magic works on people.

He said, “I went to Las Vegas to learn mind reading under some mentors there.”

His interest in psychology and how the act of mind-reading works led him to start performing mostly at colleges and comedy clubs.

He pays homage to his old mentors in some of his performances, using skills they taught him.

Dittelman said, “I started doing open-mic performances when I had a day job and trying different things with each audience.”

Dittelman was featured on America’s Got Talent during season 7 in 2012. He made it to the final round in the top 10 performing acts, which is where he credits his success since then.

He said, “They’d never had a mind reader on the show before, so I took it and said, ‘I’m gonna do this.’”

Dittelman said, “Being on the show kicked off a bunch of the TV credits and other stuff that I was able to do.”

He’s been traveling the country and performing ever since.

Delila Lyshik

News Reporter

[email protected]