UWSP Soil Judging Team Places First at Regionals

The Team at Regionals in October
UWSP Soil Judging Team Photo

The UWSP Soil Judging Team placed first overall and in group judging at the regional competition this year, marking its first win since 2018. 

In October, the team of 22 students traveled to Illinois to participate in the competition. UWSP has one of the biggest teams in the region. 

In regionals, multiple students placed in the top ten, including Natalie Gruben, who placed fourth; Lucas VandeWalle, fifth; and Maya Desai, ninth. 

Each year, there are two judging competitions: regionals in the fall and nationals in the spring. The top three teams from each region compete in nationals.  

Soil judging involves examining and describing different soil characteristics, such as color and texture, by analyzing soil pits. 

Being a part of the soils team is more than just winning competitions. The Soil Judging Team gives students an opportunity to further their understanding of soil and soils science.  

“Soil judging is probably the best way to get hands-on experience with soil and soil science,” said Gruben. “We know people from around the country because of soils.” 

“It was one of the best ways to get involved in the department,” said Erin Tschida, another member of the team. “It feels like an experience that you really can’t get anywhere else.” 

Each competition takes place over a weeklong period, with the first two to four days being practice.  

The team judging soil pits at regionals in October
Natalie Gruben Photo

On the competition day individuals went to three or four pits with 70 minutes to judge each pit. Group judging takes place in two pits where the team as a whole judges.  

“You learn so much in that week,” Said Tschida. This year’s competition was Tschida’s and Gruben’s third time competing.  

Pictured to left Erin Tschida, pictured to right Natalie Gruben
The Pointer Photo/Gwen Pabich

This spring, UWSP will host the national competition, which is expected to bring more students to campus for the weeklong competition. 

Although the hosting duties will prevent the Soil Judging Team from participating in nationals, Gruben said the team is excited to host and show off Stevens Point. 

“Once we all graduate, we carry that knowledge on and that excitement on to our careers,” said Gruben. 

To find out more about the team, you can visit their SPIN page or attend the meetings. 

Gwen Pabich 

News Reporter 

[email protected]